To make man whole through Christ’s love

Our Mission
To make man whole through Christ’s love.

Director greeting(Norris Matsumoto)

The Adventist Medical Center has been proudly serving the local community, Okinawans and foreigners alike since 1953, It was started by a missionary doctor and small staff as a clinic in Shuri. Our mission statement has been “To Make Man Whole”.
This embodies the core value of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church that healing includes physical, spiritual and social well-being.
Although small in scale, our hospital offers a variety of health services including general primary care, dentistry , obstetrics and gynecology, hospice, health evaluation and promotion.
We at AMC are committed to continue providing sincere, high-quality health care to all. By doing so, we hope to bring true healing to the sick and to give glory to our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Adventist Medical Center has several unique features .
Foreigners without Japanese Insurance Rate change notice
Due to expected tax increase, business practice and man power, following changes will take place.
- 1) Foreigners/visitors without Japanese Insurance, rate calculations will be based on Japanese Insurance rate of 1 point=20 yen(200%)
- 2) Residing foreigners with Japanese Insurance which are lost or being renewed, rate will be based on Japanese Insurance rate of 1 point=10yen(100%)
Above changes will take effect as of June 1st 2019.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.